Past Events

Back to School Prayer Night!

Our Back to School prayer night will be a send-off for summer events and welcome the new school year. We want to take an opportunity as a congregation to pray together for our students and educators for this school year. This will be August 11th at 5 pm and a sandwich and ice cream supper will follow!

Vacation Bible School: God’s Hall of Fame

Our Vacation Bible School theme this year is “God’s Hall of Fame.” This is June 23-26 beginning at 7 PM every night. This year, we will be learning about several Bible characters who exemplified profound faith in their lives and what we learn from them. The characters are:

Singing Workshop

Join us as we have a Singing Workshop to help encourage and improve our singing together. Andy Baker will lead this event. Lunch will be provided on Saturday, January 12th and Potluck Sunday, January 14th!